Chanel has evolved since its founding in 1909 into one of the most recognizable brands, responsible for creating top-quality designer handbags, accessories, clothing, and much more with some of the best materials.
Coco Chanel was no average turn of the century woman. She revolutionized the women’s fashion industry - making comfort not a want but a necessity and incorporating male influences into her designs. She was ahead of her time and you can see it in every single one of her designs.
Coco Chanel was born on August 19th, 1883 in Saumur, France. After the death of her mother, she was brought up in an orphanage due to her father’s inability to raise her. It was in the orphanage that Coco learned to sew. Before opening her major fashion house, Chanel had a brief stint as a signer. It was in her time as a singer that she got her nickname “Coco” - her original name was Gabriel Bonheur Chanel.
Chanel opened her first shop in 1910 on the Rue Cambon in Paris. She designed clothes but did not experience success until her iconic make-shift jersey dress. It wasn’t long until Chanel expanded to the perfume market. The phenomenal success of Chanel no. 5 made Coco Chanel a household name.
As her business began to thrive, Chanel put a large emphasis on comfort. She’s quoted saying “luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.” This principle led her to design iconic clothing such as the Chanel suit and the Little Black Dress.
Today the Chanel brand has expanded immensely. The brand designs everything from makeup to luxury accessories.
Coco Chanel was a pioneer in bringing comfort to women’s fashion. The first and foremost way Chanel did this was with the Chanel suit. The Chanel suit was launched in 1925. The suit featured a colorless jacket and fitted skirt. The Chanel suit fought against the constraints of everyday women’s wear.
It centered influences from men’s fashion and truly opened the doors for women’s fashion.
Building on her emphasis on comfort Coco Chanel designed the very first Little Black Dress in 1926. It was an innovative design that was comfortable, yet perfect for any occasion. She completely revolutionized the color black, which at the time, was largely associated with mourning.
Traditionally, upper-class women did not carry shoulder bags, only handbags, and clutches. The Chanel 2.55 handbag changed that forever. In 1955, the Chanel 2.55 shoulder bag was released. Although this was not the first bag Chanel released it was the first shoulder bag. Throughout the years, endless variations of the bag have been released but it has always stuck to its original style.